Please take the final step to defend home fire sprinklers
Edit: The voting deadline has now been extended to November 27.
ICC final action online voting is active now, and we need your help to defeat Proposal RB129-16, which would eliminate the International Residential Code (IRC) requirement for new dwellings and townhouses to have fire sprinklers. Although the proposal was rejected by the IRC Code Development Committee in April and by ICC members attending the public comment hearing in October, these actions could be overturned by ICC members in online voting. To ensure that the sprinkler requirement remains In the IRC, it is necessary for ICC voting governmental members to vote against RB129-16 in the online voting process.
How to Act:
All governmental employees who completed the required annual validation process prior to September 19th are eligible to vote. Depending on the population served by your agency, the agency may have 4, 8 or 12 eligible voters. Be sure to have all eligible voters cast their votes, which must be done individually by each voter. - TO PARTICIPATE IN ONLINE VOTING
Online voting is NOW OPEN. Votes must be entered prior to November 22. 2016. To vote. go to www.cdpaccess.com and complete the following steps. If you experience any trouble with the online voting system. contact ICC support at (855) 422- 2371. - RECOMMENDED VOTES TO SUPPORT RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLERS
The following are positions on several proposals recommended by the IRC Fire Sprinkler Coalition to support residential fire sprinklers.
- RB129-16 -Vote “DISAPPROVE”
To keep the requirement for new homes to have fire sprinklers in the IRC - RB51-16-Vote “AS SUBMITTED”
To add a special requirement for stacked duplexes to have fire sprinklers in the IRC (for jurisdictions that do not adopt the main requirement for all homes to have sprinklers) - RB69-16 -Vote “AS SUBMITTED”
To eliminate the option of using standard dimensional lumber as a way to avoid requiring sprinklers or providing a protective membrane for lightweight floor assemblies - RB89-16 -Vote “AS SUBMITTED”
To coordinate the 2018 IRC with the 2018 IBC re: minimum number of “means of escape” for basements of fully-sprinklered homes - ADM36-16-Vote “AS MODIFIED BY PUBLIC COMMENT”
To coordinate IBC/IRC scoping of sprinkler requirements for care, lodging, live/work uses
(Source: International Residential Code Fire Sprinkler Coalition)