NICET Points and Education Credits
NICET’s New Portal Rounds up Half Credits
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) has been able to clear up some potential confusion regarding AFSA education credits and points awarded by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET). When program participants are logging their continuing education (CEs) into NICET’s new portal, the system seems to not accept half credits.
AFSA contacted NICET to address this issue and received the following clarification:
• One-point-five (1.5) points may be entered and the system rounds up to 2.
• One (1) point is the smallest increment allowed, so .5 is not accepted.
• The recertification rules are as follows: “One (1) point per contact hour, defined as a 45- to 60-minute learning period. This period may be split over time (i.e., a course of two 30-minute sessions held on different days). Single courses shorter than 45 minutes may not be counted.”
NICET representatives further stated that NICET staff are able to assist customers to document all the points they would like to claim. For more information, contact NICET via its website at nicet.org.
AFSA’s Education Department offers a wealth of learning opportunities and formats including in-person and virtual training, live and on-demand webinars, and correspondence courses. For more information on what’s available, visit firesprinkler.org, and click on “Education.”