The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Manufacturers/Suppliers (M/S) Council held a productive meeting during AFSA42: Convention, Exhibition, and Apprentice Competition in September 2023 in Orlando, Florida. It was an opportune time to conduct business, network, and reconnect. Bill Phair, Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, was elected 2024 Council chair, and Phil Schechinger, ASC Engineered Solutions, was elected vice chair for 2024. After such a fantastic Council meeting and convention, it was devastating to learn of the sudden passing of Phair just weeks after AFSA42. (See the “In Memoriam” on page 31.
“We often hear nice things said about someone who has passed, but in the case of Bill Phair, our industry has truly suffered the sudden loss of a man whose dedication and passion for our industry was as intense as they come,” says AFSA President Bob Caputo, CFPS. “Bill was truly a good guy, always with a kind word, and filled with ideas on how to promote the industry and our association’s role in it. We pray for Bill, his family, and his coworkers as we mourn his loss.”
With the untimely passing of Phair, Schechinger will step into the role of chair, and a new vice chair will be elected at the Council’s next meeting in February 2024.
“Bill Phair was a true gentleman both as a business partner and a friend. We will all miss him every day, but it is our charge to continue his agenda to further the work of the M/S Council and support this great industry,” comments Schechinger. “Bill told me how proud he was to be elected as the chair of this Council as he gave me one of his firm handshakes—I personally will miss his insight on how he inspired others to be their best.”

Election results for the three open seats were announced during the September meeting: Dave English, General Air Products; George Rabideau, Wheatland Tube; and Terry Pickvet, Winsupply. In addition, Jim McHugh, AGF Manufacturing, was re-elected to a three-year term. Each will begin a three-year term, expiring in 2026. James Golinveaux with the Viking Group was appointed to the device manufacturing seat.
The new members are excited to serve. “As the first representative to be elected to the pipe seat on the Council, I am honored to be able to represent Wheatland Tube and the other pipe producers in this capacity,” comments Rabideau. “I hope to be able to bring a new and different perspective to the Council and feel grateful for the opportunity to be able to learn more about the sprinkler industry from some of the other Council members.”
“I’m excited to be back on the M/S Council, putting my 10 years in contracting and 32 years in manufacturing to good use,” comments Golinveaux. “My passion lies in growing our life-saving industry, and I’m here to support any team with the same goal. I look forward to making the most of our time and contributing to the important work of AFSA.”
Pickvet is also excited to be a part of the Council. “I am proud to be at the table, discussing and resolving issues for the good of our industry. Representing Winsupply on this Council and within AFSA is a privilege. I represent 20 Winsupply companies across the country. We’re growing, and we’re committed to supporting this association and all of its projects.”
“I’m honored and thrilled to be welcomed onto the M/S Council, and I’m ready to hit the ground running in working with some incredible folks in our industry,” comments English. “Being elected by my peers is exciting and humbling. I am honored to be offered the opportunity to work with the best in the industry to help AFSA continue to offer and promote training of the highest caliber. I will focus on helping the Board and committee members by making connections between sprinkler industry resources and the places they will have the greatest impact.”
When asked about plans for the new year, Schechinger stated, “As we enter into 2024, my goals for the M/S Council include increased participation by our members and expanding the roster to further strengthen the support we provide to AFSA. As manufacturers and suppliers, we are provided an opportunity to go above and beyond the expectations of the Board and Chair Biernacki; I want to assure them I will do everything within my scope to deliver results.”
The Council, established in 1983, represents member companies that produce fire sprinkler system components and supply materials and services to the industry. It was created to represent the interests of all associate members who make and supply products in the industry and assist AFSA’s Board in meeting the goals of AFSA.
Members of the 2023-2024 M/S Council include Derek Allen, Core & Main; Dave English, General Air Products; Tim Freiner, Potter Electric Signal Company; James Golinveaux, Viking Corporation; Scott Howser, Victaulic; Andy Kaempfer, Safe Signal; Lainey Liotta, Lubrizol; Jim McHugh, AGF Manufacturing Inc.; Terry Pickvet, Winsupply; George Rabideau, Wheatland Tube; Melisa Rodriguez, Johnson Controls; Phil Schechinger, ASC Engineered Solutions; and Rex Schwendiman, Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company.
“With some new members, the Manufacturers and Suppliers Council is set to hit the ground running,” comments AFSA Vice President of Engineering & Technical Services John August Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE, and staff liaison. “The support of the M/S Council means so much to AFSA. The energy and the passion of its members make me proud to be in this industry.”
The M/S Council is comprised of both appointed and elected representatives. Each device manufacturing company that holds AFSA membership at category 15 or above is allowed one seat, with the representative to be appointed by the individual company, and two appointed seats on the Council are reserved for distributor/fabricators in dues-paying category 15 or above with a national scope. In addition, there is one domestic pipe manufacturer seat for category 15 and above. There are seven elected representatives, and persons serving in these positions may represent any supplier or manufacturer company that includes, but is not limited to, suppliers, other manufacturers, or manufacturer’s representatives as long as the company is an AFSA member in good standing.
AFSA members are encouraged to contact Council representatives with questions or ideas. If you are interested in becoming more involved with AFSA, consider investing in the future of your industry. Please also consider the time and financial commitment required to attend meetings and work on AFSA programs. The M/S Council will meet on these dates in 2024: February 5-7 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; April 29-May 1 in Frisco, Texas; July 15-17 in Newport Beach, California; and during AFSA43 to be held September 18-21 in Denver, Colorado.
All companies represented on the M/S Council, whether the position is appointed or elected, must maintain their status as an AFSA member in good standing. Currently, to run for an elected seat on the M/S Council, nominees must attend at least one AFSA Quarterly meeting, M/S Council meeting, and exhibit at the AFSA Exhibition within the prior year. Members interested in serving should contact Denhardt at jdenhardt@firesprinkler.org.