ITM Challenge
Calling all Technicians!
Each issue, AFSA’s Engineering & Technical Services Department presents one or multiple challenges for technicians. Besides challenging yourself and your co-workers, working these problems is excellent preparation for professional certification tests and also may count as continuing education hours. Check with your certification organization to see if this exercise meets its criteria. To participate in this challenge, carefully read and work the problems, and submit your answers online at firesprinkler.org/itmchallenge by April 15, 2021. One winner will be pulled at random from those who answer correctly to receive some AFSA swag! Answers will be published in the next issue when new challenges are presented.
March/April Challenge
All questions are based on NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 2020 edition.
1) Which of the following standpipe systems are required to be flow tested every five years?
A. All automatic standpipe systems
B. All Class I and Class III standpipe systems
C. All Class II standpipe systems
D. All manual standpipe systems
2) Which of the following are required as part of the visual examination when inspecting exposed piping in private service fire mains?
A. Leaks, physical damage, missing flange bolts, and restraint methods
B. Leaks, physical damage, corrosion, and restraint methods
C. Leaks, missing flange bolts, corrosion, and restraint methods
D. Leaks, physical damage, corrosion, and missing flange bolts
3) While conducting an inspection of electrolyte in the batteries of a diesel fire pump, you observe the electrolyte level is below the top of the battery plates. How would you classify your finding?
A. Noncritical deficiency
B. Critical deficiency
C. Impairment
D. Classification of this finding is not addressed in NFPA 25.
4) While testing the operation of the heating system for a water storage tank you observe the system does not operate. How would you classify your finding?
A. Noncritical deficiency
B. Critical deficiency
C. Impairment
D. Classification of this finding is not addressed in NFPA 25
January/February Answers
All answers are based on the 2020 edition of NFPA 25.
1) B. A. A minimum of two sprinklers of each type and temperature rating installed should be provided.
2) B. Section Mainline strainers shall be inspected and cleaned after each system flow exceeding that of a nominal 2-in. (50-mm) orifice.
3) B. Table A.3.3.8 Chapter 13: Valves, Valve Components, and Trim — Inspection.
4) B. Table A.3.3.8, Chapter 13: Valves, Valve Components, and Trim — Testing.