Is Your Knowledge Up to Standard?

Is Your Knowledge Up to Standard?

Sprinkler Challenge Webinar Series Debuts

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is excited to debut its new Sprinkler Challenge webinar series on the first Thursday of each month in 2021. This game-show formatted webinar series reviews the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and tests participants’ knowledge in a fun environment.

In these 60-minute webinars modeled after a popular game show, AFSA’s technical experts will highlight commonly misunderstood or improperly interpreted sections of the standard. True/false and multiple-choice questions will be used to challenge the attendees to think and respond. For each webinar, the connection is free for AFSA members, and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and/or Continuing Professional Development points (CPDs) certificates are available for a nominal fee.

The January webinar “NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 2020 edition” was held on January 7 with great success. This webinar will be available for purchase as an AFSA On-Demand webinar soon.

The remaining Sprinkler challenge webinars for 2021 include:
• February 4: NFPA 25, 2020 edition;
• March 4: NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinklers, 2019 edition;
• April 1: NFPA 13, 2019 edition;
• May 6: NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, and NFPA 291, Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants, 2019 edition;
• June 3: NFPA 25, 2020 edition;
• July 1: NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2019 edition;
• August 5: NFPA 20, 2019 edition;
• September 2: NFPA 13, 2019 edition;
• October 7: NFPA 13, 2019 edition;
• November 4: NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2019 edition; and
• December 2: NFPA 13, 2019 edition.

The webinars are presented by AFSA Engineering & Technical Services staff: Vice President of Engineering & Technical Services John August Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE; AFSA’s Coordinator of Engineering & Technical Services Kevin Hall, M.Eng., P.E., CWBSP, MSFPE; Manager of ITM Technical Training John T. Johnson, CFPS; and Technical Programs Specialist Tom Noble CET, CFPS,CWBSP.

This new series of webinars is in addition to AFSA’s other monthly general technical webinars and Fitter Zone webinars for sprinkler fitters.  AFSA will also present quarterly webinars in 2021 for Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and AFSA’s NextGen will host webinars for covering issues and topics important to young (40 and under) professionals in the fire sprinkler industry. Registration is open until each webinar begins. Visit for more details on this series.

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