Hybrid Training Options Offer Accessibility Solutions for Viking’s Industry-Leading Training Programs

Hybrid Training Options Offer Accessibility Solutions for Viking’s Industry-Leading Training Programs

In an age where technology rules all, it comes as no surprise that companies are adjusting their business plans and training approaches to be more grounded in virtual availability. Whether industry customers or workers are looking for training based in virtual reality (VR), hands-on learning, or online courses, Viking has an excess of options. Viking’s industry-leading training programs are taking traditional training to the next level – virtual accessibility, technology integration and hybrid-style courses are ultimately the key to ground-breaking success.

“Applicable, accessible and engaging” is the mantra on which Viking’s core training value – durable learning leads to lasting knowledge – was founded; courses must be relevant and timely, offer learning solutions for those who may have issues attending live events, and provide core learning objectives that stay with attendees for the duration of their unique industry trade.

Technological revolutions and convenient access to technology are crucial pieces to successful hybrid training approaches. For instance, Virtual Viking, a VR learning platform, provides users accessibility to Viking valves and systems, either right at the participants’ offices or desks, or on site at Viking’s state-of-the-art training facility in Caledonia, MI. Another significant component in Viking’s virtual training cache is the Customer Learning Portal. With access to dozens of training courses, certification programs and more, participants can learn right from the comfort of their home.

“Our technology innovations are truly what set us apart from other learning programs in our industry,” says Jim Lake, Viking’s Vice President – Training and Technical Services. “We see the importance of hands-on learning and do the most we can to integrate that with virtual options for anyone who wants to train with us.”

While welcoming new technologies and accessibility options is imperative as we move into the newest decade, Viking recognizes the importance of celebrating traditional, in-person learning as well. Traditional classroom-style approaches, and live demonstrations of valves and systems, sprinklers and more is vital for some. “A lot of people really absorb more from face-to-face discussions and demonstrations,” observes Jim. “We always want to have that option on our training docket.”

Facilitating online learning while simultaneously preparing for and welcoming live learning sessions has earned Viking a spot as a leader on the industry’s training stage. As the world’s technology continues to advance and new solutions are consistently introduced to our fast-paced culture, Viking’s training programs will certainly be first in line to offer more learning options.

In addition to VR solutions and online courses, Viking also offers technical podcasts, webinars, “Micro-Learning”, videos and animations, and much more. To learn more about training with Viking, visit www.vikinggroupinc.com/training, where you can read more about Viking’s programs or schedule a session for yourself or your company.

Stop by booth #509 to discuss training with Jim Lake at AFSA’s annual convention this September!

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