Sprinkler Age Goes Bimonthly
A look back at Sprinkler Age... the first issue, a newsletter, published in November of 1981 (at left) and a 2006 issue, during AFSA’s silver anniversary year. The magazine quickly became a resource for education, training and technical information and has evolved into the go-to publication for the fire sprinkler industry.

Sprinkler Age Goes Bimonthly

Respected Publication Expands, Diversifies Online

After 33 years as the premier monthly magazine for the fire sprinkler industry, Sprinkler Age is going bimonthly.

Starting with its January/February 2016 issue, Sprinkler Age’s print edition will be published six times a year in a larger format, which will allow it to run longer features and better showcase its membership and benefits.

At the same time that it reduces its frequency in print, Sprinkler Age will continue to expand its presence online. That is great news on several fronts. First, the change gives Sprinkler Age the opportunity to do more topical and timely material. In fall 2015, the magazine launched its blog, sprinklerage.com, and it has also been developing various digital features like video enhancements.

Nicole Duvall, AFSA’s director of communications, said that stories could be spread between the magazine’s print and digital platforms, but that in essence the blog would feature more real-time news, and the print would feature thematically driven coverage.

“For the first time in Sprinkler Age’s venerable 35-year history, both the print and digital properties have shared editorial and oversight capacities, and it’s given us the unique opportunity to evaluate our brand holistically,” said Duvall. “After extensive review, it’s clear that bimonthly print frequency coupled with a robust digital presence, via our blog and social media sites, will provide optimal benefit to our members, readers, and the industry as a whole.”

Sprinkler Age’s longtime publisher Janet Knowles retired in September 2015 ahead of the frequency change, at which time AFSA President Steve Muncy took over as publisher.

As noted in his December 2015 President’s Report, Muncy said the change was in-part to provide additional information in a more timely manner: “In response to the growing need for timely information to keep the industry informed and educated, Sprinkler Age is becoming more than just a printed publication. As we move forward, Sprinkler Age becomes an expanded information resource that provides timely news and information in a variety of formats: printed paper magazine, a digital magazine, an online blog, news stories on the web, social media and newsletters.”

Each issue of Sprinkler Age will deliver the same accurate, objective reporting and unmatched technical articles readers have relied on since 1981. From its beginnings as a four-page newsletter first published in November 1981, Sprinkler Age has grown into a robust industry-leading publication with over 4,000 print and digital subscribers, and now looks forward to adding to its list of digital offerings.

Qualified subscribers will continue receive their free three-year subscription to Sprinkler Age. To request your free subscription, in either print or digital format – or both, visit sprinklerage.com/subscribe.

Sprinkler Age is the official publication of the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA), the most respected nonprofit, merit shop fire sprinkler contractor association, dedicated to the educational advancement of its members and promotion of the use of automatic fire sprinkler systems. Visit firesprinkler.org to learn more about AFSA’s training, consulting, communication, and representation programs.

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