Fantauzzi Celebrates Silver Anniversary

Member Recognized for Technical Committee Service

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) congratulates AFSA member Jim Fantauzzi, North East Fire Protection Systems, Inc., Ballston, New York, on his 25 years’ service on NFPA technical committees. Fantauzzi has served as AFSA’s representative on NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

According to NFPA, a Technical Committee (TC) serves “as the principal consensus body responsible for the development and revision of an NFPA document or documents emanating from a Technical Committee project. Appointment to a Technical Committee is based on: qualifications of the applicant; a balance of interest categories on the committee; maintaining the committee at a manageable working size; and the ability of the applicant to attend and participate in all committee meetings. A Technical Committee member does not need to be an active NFPA association member.”

Committee members are expected to actively participate in the work of the committee, provide input and contribute to the code or standard’s development, vote, and make a time and travel commitment. In a letter of congratulations to Fantauzzi, Dawn Michele Bellis, secretary, NFPA Standards Council, wrote: “Your service of more than a quarter of a century in the NFPA standards development process is a noteworthy achievement, and it is a contribution that has helped make our world a better place.

“The dedicated support of you and others is what allows the NFPA standards development process the ability to meet the NFPA mission, and the Association sincerely appreciates your significant participation over the years.”

AFSA Vice President of Engineering & Technical Services Roland J. Huggins, P.E. concurs with NFPA. “Serving on a committee takes time, dedication and expertise. We congratulate Jim on his achievement and greatly appreciate his service on NFPA technical committees.”

“I have served on the NFPA 25 technical committee since its inception,” states Fantauzzi. “We took what was then a recommended practice to today’s operational standard. After 25 years, we’ve really refined the standard and work today to maintain it.

“It’s very gratifying to start something from scratch and take it to the finished product,” Fantauzzi summarizes. For more information about NFPA technical committees, visit For details on serving as an AFSA representative on a committee, email Huggins at rhuggins@firesprinkler. org. Anyone may submit a request to be considered to AFSA’s NFPA Representative Review Committee.

Although not a requirement, it is highly desirable that candidates be a NICET III or above or a Professional Engineer (P.E.).

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