AFSA + Vegas: A Winning Combination!

AFSA + Vegas: A Winning Combination!

Convention & Exhibition Offers Seminars, Vendors, and Fun!

This is one sure bet – the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is celebrating in Vegas this year! AFSA’s 36th Annual Convention, Exhibition & Apprentice Competition will be held September 24-27, 2017. Join fellow industry peers for AFSA+Vegas: A Winning Combination, headquartered at the famed Bellagio Las Vegas, for technical and managerial seminars offering CEU/CPD credits, social events including a Frank Sinatra-style evening of songs, an exciting apprentice competition, and a packed exhibit hall!

Value in Vegas

This year’s convention offers three days packed with education, training, and networking. AFSA will offer another record-breaking number of seminar hours led by industry experts, and the AFSA exhibition is a proven opportunity for people to connect with great prospects as well as grow and cultivate their existing networks. The unopposed exhibit hours allow attendees and exhibitors to visit without interruption, and the second day of exhibits also features the finals of AFSA’s 24th National Apprentice Competition. Other highlights include the evening parties and social events, as well as a chance to relax with friends during the networking meals – three breakfasts and three lunches – hosted for attendees who are fully registered in AFSA’s room block at the Bellagio Las Vegas.

The final night Awards Party will be a step back in time with the Rat Pack, featuring music by Frank Sinatra; Dean Martin; Sammy Davis, Jr.; and Marilyn Monroe. The era of their greatest tabloid fame coincided with the “Mad Men” ‘50s into the ‘60s when, in retrospect, things seemed simpler and a particular kind of jet-set culture was captured in their antics.

Tours include a Black Canyon river float to see Hoover Dam and swim in the cool clear water of the Colorado River; clay shooting at unique stations in a rolling desert terrain; and a construction playground with huge Caterpillar bulldozers and excavators. Three days of themed cooking competitions will also be offered in the Bellagio’s state-of-the-art Tuscany kitchen.

NextGen Events

Looking to join or involve your under-40 employees in the industry’s most forward-looking young professionals’ group? AFSA’s NextGeneration Initiative (NGI) will host a “NextGen Day” Monday, September 25 during the convention. The line-up includes a half-day workshop “Leading Across the Generations” presented by Tru Pettigrew, one of the nation’s leading experts on Millennials who has been featured in several publications including the New York Times, USA Today, and Fortune. An invitation-only NGI reception will also be held that evening. To become involved in NGI and participate in the related events at convention, visit AFSA’s website at

Convention Headquarter Hotel

Take one step onto the fountain-fronted property at Bellagio Las Vegas, and you will instantly find yourself transported to an elegant European resort, replete with lavish rooms, award-winning restaurants and a luxurious spa, all the while surrounded by works from the world’s most renowned artists. From the natural light bathing the lobby through glass ceilings to the fresh flowers and trees of the Bellagio Conservatory and Gardens, whose displays change five time a year, everything about Bellagio tells you that you’re not in Las Vegas anymore.

Dining devotees will not only be pleased with Bellagio’s first-rate dining options – they will be absolutely dazzled. Just as exclusive as the eateries is Bellagio’s shopping at Via Bellagio. Plus, nightlife is a notch above the rest with elevated service and unique surroundings at The Bank and Hyde Bellagio, an indoor/outdoor venue that overlooks the Fountains of Bellagio. Discover for yourself the rare experience Bellagio has to offer, and find your own extraordinary piece of Europe in the center of the Las Vegas Strip.

With an “all access” convention registration, attendees receive one breakfast voucher and one lunch voucher up to three nights for each night you have a reservation at Bellagio Las Vegas – a perfect time to enjoy a full meal while you network with contractors from across the country. In addition, the entire AFSA room block is located in Bellagio Las Vegas just steps away from all meeting spaces.

The AFSA group rate for the Bellagio Las Vegas is $249 per night plus tax for a deluxe city view and $279 per night plus tax for a deluxe fountain view (limited availability). Reservations may be made by calling (888) 987-6667. Group rates are available for stays September 22-28, 2017, but reservations must be made by August 25, 2017, to assure AFSA convention rates. After August 25, 2017, room rates are based on availability. Be sure to ask booking agent to confirm your reservation includes both the resort fee and the complimentary internet.

Hotel Reservation Alert!

AFSA has been made aware of third-party vendors soliciting AFSA exhibitors and attendees posing as our housing vendor. These companies mislead you to think they are working on our behalf. Companies that use this tactic include Exhibitor Hotel Reservation Services (EHR), Global Housing, and National Travel Associates. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with AFSA or its show and entering into financial agreements with such companies can have costly consequences such as no hotel reservations and no free networking meals nor complimentary internet access. To receive full AFSA hotel benefits, you must book directly with the hotel by phone or using the link found on AFSA’s convention website (

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Be the first to hear the latest from AFSA, including news, deals, discounts and offerings, with periodic updates from AFSA staff. Get real-time updates of the association’s official happenings sent to your desktop or wireless device by subscribing to, or “following,” AFSA’s Twitter. AFSA has set up targeted feeds, so members can get only the information they want. Choose from Twitter feeds about the following topics and use our official hashtag #AFSA36:

Bookmark the convention website at as online registration will open soon. Mark your calendars and place your bets for a guaranteed return on your investment with AFSA’s convention!

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